Top To Tail 1900’s
The beginning of the 20th century saw mass production make inroads for both male and females’ garments, though initially slow, but by the end of the decade the factories influence were becoming far more profound, and for the first time allowing the working classes to have the opportunity although very limited still, they could possess more than one set of clothing.
In January 1901 In Britain, and its Empire witnessed the death of Queen Victoria, ending 63 years of her reign, 40 years of which she had been in mourning due to the death of her husband Prince Albert in 1861. The overpowering bereavement she felt transcended her immediate household and had considerable influence for four decades resulted a tainted austere toned-down fashion. When the shackles of lamentation were cast aside Edwardian garb took a far more flamboyant and upbeat. With formal menswear now being the sack jacket and its derivatives started to replace the morning/frock coat, whilst for the stiffness of the Victorian age was replaced by a less functional and restrictive form of clothing